15 Intriguing Facts To Ponder And Propagate

I was born in this town, but my father was a soldier. He served for twenty-one years in the army, and he was a brave man. He was wounded twice, but not badly — once at Gettysburg in the American Civil War and once at the siege of Badajoz. I can still see him in my memory as he came home one evening from duty, in his blue uniform.
He had been on a long march, and was understandably quite tired out. When he got into the parlor he said to his wife (my mother, who died last year): 'You see, Mary — we shall never have a better son than that.' And she answered him with: 'Never? What are you talking about?' And he replied, with a sad smile that did not really become him — and I shall never forget this -— he replied by just recounting a list of facts, which went ...
The CIA Starbucks

Chicago is not windy, its citizens are.

NASA can email parts to astronauts in space.


The apples Johnny Appleseed planted were for getting turnt up, not eating.

A New Jersey rancher invented glitter.



Blue whales can eat half a million calories in one gulp.

If avocados are reproductive organs, what does that make guacamole?

Who do we pay for the Samsung bot to sit on us?

4. There was a Beefalo Soldier, in the heart of America.

Running amok is an actual medical condition.