15 Now-You-Know Facts That Rocked Us Like A Hurricane
It seems we're off to a rough start here at this year's edition of the FAFSA! But fear not my friend! The fun isn't over yet. We're going to be covering everything you need to know to get your taxes ready. It might sound scary but don't worry; we'll do it together. All you need is patience and to pay close attention. So grab some snacks and settle in tight, 'cause there's so much info I want you to remember!
Let me remind everyone why we do all this crazy tax stuff every year anyway. It is so the government can take money from your paycheck to help build roads and keep the country running. This may or may not make sense depending on who you are. Either way, it's what we've gotta deal with so if your goal is just to keep the IRS off your back, we got this covered!
Uhhh... wait, sorry, wrong article. Never mind. Here are some facts: