15 Facts About The Middle Ages, Propaganda, And The Simpsons

Ok, fact warriors, come out and play! We've assembled another killer selection of interesting and intriguing facts to entertain and enlighten. Hopefully they come in handy, like if you need to trot out some arcane CIA knowledge - like about how they slipped Animal Farm over the Iron Curtain. You just never know when a nugget like that’ll come in handy.
Also, The Simpsons have been credited for predicting the future to an absurd degree (they've also been credited as being a danger to America), but most of that can be explained away by the fact that a series as long running as theirs, with a focus on skewering working class America, will eventually write a joke that becomes reality in the future. Things get a little more freaky when they predict the winning team of the Super Bowl multiple times, by dubbing over the same scene year after year. Read about this and more below:

Source: The Simpsons McBain Saga Shows Audiences Used To Be Blind
Cavities were once blamed on tooth worms.

Explicit Pamphlets

Kim Jong-il never claimed to be the best golfer in the world.

Source: North Koreans Never Actually Heard Kim Jong-il Was A Master Golfer
The Homer Simpson Gene

The AMA shut down national health insurance 100 years ago.

Source: Doctors Shut Down An American National Insurance Plan A Century Ago
Duff Beer

Source: Germany Got Away With Making Duff Beer From The Simpsons, Unauthorized

A dog managed to get its owner's killer to confess, in trial by combat.

Source: The Trial By Combat, Between A Man And His Victim's Dog
Lisa Simpson's Malibu Stacy doll saying "Don't ask me, I'm just a girl!" is based on a real thing.

Source: Lisa's Talking Doll Crusade Was Based On A True Story
The Nazis wrote a rebuttal to a Superman comic.

Source: Superman Beat Joseph Goebbels When It Came To Propaganda
Diluting Spices

Source: Diluting Spices Was Once A Crime Punishable By Death
The Simpsons kept predicting the winners of the Super Bowl.

Source: The Simpsons, Which Predicted Everything, Had One Episode About Actually Predicting

Source: Lovesick in the Middle Ages? A Doctor Might Slice You Open
Animal Farm

Source: The CIA Slipped 'Animal Farm' Over The Iron Curtain Via Balloon