15 Behind The Scenes Shenanigans From Everyone’s Favorite Wes Anderson Movie, “The Royal Tenenbaums”
We wouldn’t mind an entire separate tale about the character that is Mordecai.

From Anjelica Huston’s hair catching fire on set to a full-blown kidnapping of a freaking hawk — here are some funtastic tales from the making of everyone’s favorite Anderson movie, The Royal Tenenbaums.
Wes Anderson's friend

Gene Hackman's paycheck

The kidnapping saga

Richie's tennis career

A different Royal

The other Wilson brother

The director's inspirations

The title card

The Royal Tenenbaums

Mordecai the character

The Royal Tenenbaums

Gwyneth and Paul McCartney

Ocean’s Eleven

Spot the mice

Anjelica Huston's hair