13 Now-You-Know SpongeBob SquarePants Facts
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea ... and in our hearts?

Love him or hate him, SpongeBob is an unavoidable part of culture. Here are 13 facts you may not know about the most famous sponge in the world…
Krusty Krab

Source: Bangor Daily News
Mr. Krabs' famous voice has a famous face.

No animals were harmed in the making of the Krabby Patty.

Source: CinemaBlend

SpongeBob is innocent.

Source: The Washington Post
SpongeBob is now in his late 30s.

Source: ScreenRant
Patrick has a sponge-loving starfish named after him.

Source: PeerJ.
SpongeBob is an ace icon.

Source: Global News
He was almost named SpongeBoy.

Source: Neatorama
The creator has a sponge species named after him

Ah, that's why my brain is like that.

Source: WNYC

Squidward isn't actually a squid.

Source: Case of Sponge (Bob)