Top 10 Bill Hader Impressions On Saturday Night Live

SNL's best master of disguise since Dana Carvey
Top 10 Bill Hader Impressions On Saturday Night Live

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Bill Hader is one of the most talented impressionists in the modern age of SNL. What makes him so impressive isn't just his ability to do the impressions that most people can manage, like Schwarzenegger or Pacino, but his grasp on obscure, but instantly recognizable figures. Here are 10 of our personal favorites.

COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Fred Armisen However talented an impressionist someone might be, there's a certain combination of accuracy and love within impressions of close friends that's undeniable, which is exactly what Hader's Armisen is.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Alan Alda Sometimes impressions are more based around someone's essence than accuracy but Hader's mimic of the former MASH star is so accurate it could BE pulled straight off a genuine old audition tape.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Vincent Price Price, famous for his love of the creepy and crawly, as well as his iconic drop-in on Michael Jackson's Thriller, would thoroughly enjoy the chills running down his spine from watching Hader ape him perfectly.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Keith Morrison Morrison may BE less known by name than as The Dateline Guy, but Hader's impression is spot-on, and you can tell it's one he personally enjoys. That glee plays perfectly on-screen, and even earned meme status with a particular popcorn-eating GIF
COMEDY DE NERD CRACKED.COM James Mason Hader's a big fan of old-school film and has the impressions to back it up, including a spot-on James Mason trying to buy donuts with an expired gift certificate that was included in his SNL audition.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM John Malkovich Being John Malkovich isn't just a Oscar-Nominated film by Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze, it's also something Bill Hader can do on a moment's notice! Heyo! Kapow!
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Lorne Michaels It's unsurprising that an impressionist as skilled as Hader spending as much time as he did around someone as unique as Lorne Michaels isn't going to end up with a killer impression.
COMEDY DE NERD CRACKED.COM Jabba the Hutt Impressionists tend to BE indoor recess kinds of kids. And indoor recess kinds of kids tend to be Star Wars fans. So it's not surprising that Hader has a deeply dedicated Jabba the Hutt impression in his back pocket at all times.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM Clint Eastwood Hader knocks it out of the park as everyone's favorite gravel-throated western star turned gravel-throated insanely weird right wing guy. Remember that chair thing? Weird.
COMEDY of NERD CRACKED.COM James Carville Hader's impersonation of the Louisiana native political operative is gleefully unhinged, doling out stories from the bayou and referencing his friends, who happen to BE alligators.


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