15 Oddball Inspirations For The Movies We Love

Turns out, WWII bombing of Germany and Japan kind of created the Millennium Falcon.
15 Oddball Inspirations For The Movies We Love

Everyone has their own way of getting inspired. Some people like to go for a walk in the park; others like to sit in silence and think, while others still might like to read or listen to music.


There's no question that some of the best, most unforgettable movies out there draw their inspiration from some pretty odd places. While it's always interesting to see what Hollywood will come up with next, sometimes we can't help but wonder how certain classic films got their start. We all know that the movies we love are not made in a vacuum. They are inspired by many things, both big and small. In this article, we're going to take a look at some of the more oddball inspirations for some of our favorite films. We'll see how everything from chicken noodle soup to graffiti has played a role in shaping our favorite cinematic experiences. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Take a look at these examples and see for yourself.

Batman and Chewbacca interact in The LEGO Movie because of a kid's play. Co-creator Chris Miller saw his son put LEGO Batman and Chewbacca in the same spaceship, so he thought he could do that in the movie. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

The big bad's hangout in Loki is based on a real ,castle and Citizen Kane. The Citadel at the End of Time was strongly inspired by Citizen Kane's Xanadu and Xanadu's real-life inspiration, Hearst Castle. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

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