21 TV Shows With Perfect Endings: Tell Us Now

We all want things to wrap up nicely, whether that's in our personal lives or otherwise. There's nothing worse than leaving anything on a bad note.
And you certainly don't want that happening with the stuff you're watching to enjoy in your free time, away from the hassles and horrors of real life. You want to feel good and satisfied, like when you have killer crabcakes or whatever.
At the end of the day it's just so disappointing to spend years with characters only to have their stories hurriedly ended with poor resolutions. We feel pretty cheated, and we don't want you to have to endure the same thing. So, in order to save you precious viewing time, we asked Cracked readers on Facebook, “What's a show that had a perfect ending?” Here are 21 television shows you should feel free to spend time with, knowing Cracked readers approve of the ending… enjoy your crabcakes.
