Origins Of 14 Christmas Traditions, Explained

This year, understand why you celebrate the way you do.
Origins Of 14 Christmas Traditions, Explained

Many Christmas traditions' origins have been inaccurately rewritten to reflect a Christian narrative. But Christmas is celebrated in the U.S. through a hodge-podge of different cultural histories, as evidenced by the following 14 traditions…. 

Gingerbread Houses CRACKEDCO Queen Elizabeth I is credited with the idea of decorating gingerbread men, but gingerbread houses originated in 16th cent

Source: PBS

Wrapping Paper CRACKEDCON Gift wrapping was first documented in ancient China. It was popularized in the U.S. when Hallmark founder J.C. Hall ran out

Source: NPR

Santa's Reindeer CRACKED COM The Night Before Christmas in 1822 kick-started the lore. But, in 1926, businessman Carl Lomen, tried to mass-market re

Source: CNN

Advent Calendars Deibnadits Kalender CRACKED co In the mid-1800s, German Lutherans made chalk marks on doors to count the days leading up to Christmas


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