40 Random Bits of Food Trivia to Swallow Whole Like A Huge Disgusting Pelican
A well-balanced meal — for your brain
We’ll only let your brain eat these sweet facts if it’s had its fact veggies. You know, one of our many science- and/or history-based fact lists that’ll help it grow big and strong.
Sorry to pull the concerned mother card here, but your brain can’t live on these sweet treats alone.
Chicken Skin
The Hula Burger
The National Institutes of Health
Mickey’s Chicken
The Rock
Source: Men’s Health
The First Meal on the Moon
Source: Smithsonian
Microwave Cooking
Thomas Jefferson
Italian Food
Source: The New Yorker
Killer Vitamins
The Food Pyramid
The Sweetness of Fruits
Brazilian ‘Meat’
Salisbury Steak
from my point of view/Shutterstock,
Samuel Sartain/Wiki Commons
Mashed Potato Beef Burger
Source: 15 Big Swings From The Titans Of The Fast Food Industry