40 Random Bits of Mental Health Trivia That Are Nothing A Little Meditation and Medication Can’t Help Relieve
What can we say about mental health? Well, nothing of note really. We’re compilation list writers for Cracked.com, so hopefully you’re not here to get help from this pre-list blurb. All we can do is relay fun (and not-so-fun) facts about mental health, because it’s a topic that interests us.
We do genuinely hope that all is well in your brain as you navigate through this confusing little stint on planet Earth. If not, there’s no shame in seeking help.
Gut Feelings
Misery Loves Company
Source: ScienceDaily
BoJack Horseman
Source: thetempohouse
Source: EurekAlert
Source: 13 Positive Headlines To Remind Us Of The Good Happening Right Now
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Psychiatry vs Psychology
Prescription Drug Ads
American Customs That Make No Sense To The Rest Of The World
Mood Disorders
Mental Illness and Violence
American Psychological Association, Treatment Advocacy Center
Source: ECNP
The Aviator
Source: WND
7 Up
Source: McGill