25 Dumb Injuries People Sustained While Doing Something Harmless
One of the most frustrating things about the human body is how unpredictably fragile it is.
The severity of a fuck-up doesn’t always correspond to the severity of the harm it causes, on both ends of the spectrum. Age has something to do with it, as any over-30 human who’s ever slept wrong can tell you, but there’s also an element of pure chance — just ask the guy who dislocated his wrist while poking someone.
As these Redditors can attest, a wave of misfortune can strike at any time, and the universe isn’t fair — which means for every botched skydive someone miraculously survives, there’s someone who slices an artery trying to open a juicebox. Twists of fate aside, a few of these injuries could’ve been avoided, which inspires me to give a piece of advice: If you’re thinking about cutting a pair of jorts, please take them off beforehand.