40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia They Won’t Teach You in School (Because the Department of Education Will Be Gutted Like a Fish)
If it’s not in the Bible, don’t expect to hear it in a public school for a while
Before someone thought to invent the squib, directors used to just kind of William Tell it with real bullets.
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Lisa Kudrow
Street Fighter II
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Country Music
Carl’s Jr.
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Steven Seagal
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28 Days Later
The Beach Boys
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Xbox Controllers
Steven Tyler
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Michael Fassbender
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Modern Family
Noah’s Ark
The Shining
Game of Thrones
Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart
Source: Elle
Woody Harrelson
Barry Lyndon
Saturday Night Live
Hugh Hefner
The Wind in the Willow
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Henry Cavill
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Mayim Bialik
8 Mile
Source: Rich Eisen Show
Tony Hawk
Shaun of the Dead
The French Connection
Alicia Silverstone
Cy Young
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