40 Noble Bits of Trivia About Royalty That Have Us Bowing in Their Presence
Here ye, here ye! The Royal facts have arrived and are each about to make an imperial declaration. Anyone who dares to question the validity of these past and present royal tidbits will be put to death immediately.
We suggest smiling and nodding along like the good little subjects you are.
Ancient Egypt
Royal Scam
Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s Sister
Source: The Guardian
Medieval Scrolls
Mansa Musa
Queen Elizabeth During World War II
Source: Washington Post
King Cambyses II of Persia
The Queen’s Worth
Source: Insider
The Tudors
Royal Bastards
Scotland’s Stone of Destiny
Royal Babies
Celtic Fans
Prince Harry
Source: Washington Post
The Ming Dynasty
Queen Elizabeth
Caesar and Cleopatra’s Son
Source: ArtNet
Sarah Wilson
England’s Forgotten Queen
Princess Diana
Source: Huffington Post
The Aztec Empire
The Emperor of China
Queen Victoria
The Never King
Source: Town and Country Magazine
Source: 6 Bonkers Monarchies ... That Are Still Around Today
English Swans
Source: Atlas Obscura
Nazi Sympathizers
Allison Janney
Royal Underwear
Source: 15 Random Facts to Make Your Life More Factual and/or Random
Looted Artifacts
Source: The Guardian
The Western Zhou Dynasty
Source: 22 Bizarre, Unexpected Facts About Historical Figures
King Richard I
For details, read 6 People Saved by Literally the Last Person They Expected
The Royal African Company
Source: Slate
The Crown Estate
Source: Crown Estate