37 Lovable, Hateable, Forgettable or Eye-Rollable Celebrity Cameos in Movies and TV Shows

Did these cameos help or hurt their movie or show?

Celebrity cameos walk that fine line between awesome and awful. Suspension of disbelief is essential in a good movie or TV show, so a familiar face popping up can have that proverbial record-scratch moment that takes us right out of it. Sometimes the creators nailed the placement and joke, but your liking of or distaste for said celebrity plays a huge role in its awesomeness. In other words, its tricky business. 

Decide for yourself: Which of these fall into your good, bad or indifferent piles?

Judd Apatow

Bill Murray

George Romero

The Simpsons

Harvey Weinstein

Lori Loughlin

David Hasselhoff

Vanilla Ice

Hulk Hogan

O.J. Simpson

Charlie Sheen


South Park

Kurt Russell

Edward Norton

Nathan Fillion

The Blues Brothers

David Beckham

George Harrison

Hot Fuzz

Trevor Noah

Tom Hanks

Cate Blanchett

Carrie Fisher

Amy Adams

Robin Williams

Quentin Tarantino

Glenn Close


Jennifer Lawrence

Michael Jackson

Lance Armstrong

Bill Cosby

Kevin Spacey

Chris Brown

Jared Fogle



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