40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Have Been Stuck in Our Shoe This Entire Hike
That’s gonna blister
The Fantastic Four once had a sponsorship deal with Hitachi (not that one).
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Anna Chapman
Thor: Ragnarok
Jojo Rabbit
Source: Variety
Stevie Wonder
Steve Jobs
Harry Potter
John Leguizamo
David Brent
Michael Scott
Movie Trailers
Dick Butkus
Source: 21 Movie And TV Brilliant Foreshadowing Moments (That Get Missed)
The Da Vinci Code
Source: IMDB
Young Justice
H.P. Lovecraft
The Louvre
Miss America
Friday the 13th
Source: ScreenRant
Boy Meets World
Tiger Woods
Barack Obama
Fellowship of the Ring
Bob Dylan
Martian Manhunter
Source: CBR
R.L. Stine
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Army of the Dead
Isaac Hayes
Madame Tussaud
Dolores Umbridge
Power Rangers
Anne Hathaway
George Clooney
Source: The Guardian
Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet
Source: BuzzFeed
The Fantastic Four
Source: Comic Vine
More: 6 Hilariously Awful Examples of Product Placements in Comics
Howard Stern
Tokyo Drift
Source: 13 Now-You-Know Facts About Movies (And Other Cool Stuff)