40 Lesser-Known Historical Tidbits That We Extracted From Your Textbook’s Fine Print
Why is history trying to hide these?
After checking out these wild historical facts, you’ll wonder why your history teachers spent so much time on boring stuff like the Revolutionary War. Like, cool, some guys fought to govern themselves. Big whoop. They could’ve easily trimmed a few pages of fluff out of that chapter to make room for some of these fun tidbits.
It definitely would’ve kept us more interested in class!
No World Peace
The Aztecs
Source: Mexicolore
Source: Smithsonian
The Civil War
Ice Cream Rations
For details, read 5 Insane Facts From History Nobody Taught You In School
The First Recorded Battle in History
Silver Mining
Cooked Veggies Only
Source: British Library
Roast Battles
Source: AP News