23 Sounds We Didn’t Appreciate Until They Were Gone
As a poet once said, life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might not realize we’re living in a technocratic hellscape that looks completely different from the world you grew up in. It even sounds different. Some things are quieter (cars), some things are louder (car stereos) and some sounds are completely new (cars talking to you).
That means a lot of sounds have gone extinct, too. For example, fraudulent spiritualists with fake accents who get paid by the minute have largely gone out of fashion. As a result, “Miss Cleo (saying) ‘Call me now!’” is a sound user wolf805 sadly no longer hears. They then asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a sound you miss that you don’t hear anymore?” and their fellow Redditors certainly brought the noise.