20 Characters Who Would Make the Best ‘Odd Couple’
Hey, even fictional characters get down on their luck. It’s hard to imagine, considering the mansions they always seem to be able to afford on assistant’s salaries and the never-ending cash flow required to support their wild adventures, but it’s theoretically possible. Even the ones who are certified independently wealthy are bound to get lonely, as they tend to get that way by avoiding meaningful connections that result in dependents.
So let’s make the most of the situation. Who would be the best fictional roommates? Would it be characters who are so like each other that they feed off each other’s energy? Or would a modern Felix Unger/Oscar Madison duo be more entertaining? That was the question on user Bob_Squob’s mind when they asked r/AskReddit, “What two fictional characters, when paired as roommates, would make for the funniest sitcom?”