40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Vomited Under Duress Like a Startled Turkey Vulture
Don’t come any closer!
Night at the Roxbury exists in The Office universe. Which makes it particularly awkward that no one mentions how much DeAngelo Vickers looks like Will Ferrell.
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Diet Coke
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
The Prestige
Ali Wong
Aaron Paul
‘90s Movies
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Spy Who Loved Me
Source: New Statesman
Vivian Kubrick
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Dark Knight
Warner Bros.
Seth Meyers
Darlene Cates
Megan Fox
Crime Show Myths
Will Ferrell
Source: 16 Plot Holes In 'The Office'
Jessica Walters
Marilyn Monroe
Fallout: New Vegas
The Andy Griffith Show
Source: NY Times
Charlie Chaplin
Source: The Things
France and Star Wars
Crash Bandicoot 2
15 Video Games That Had To Change Bizarre Details (In Different Countries)
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
Source: Uproxx
Jamie Waylett
Vera Wang
Source: People
Source: Wikipedia
Stephen King
Source: Projects That Celebrities Definitely Didn't Think Through