35 Corporate Calamities and Big Business Blunders That Got Their Boardrooms Boarded Up

These boardrooms will self-destruct in 3... 2... 1

Financial failures, economic errors and a third money-related alliteration that we cant think of right now. These are the big business gaffes that got some suits canned for sure. Bankers boxes were packed, and heads were held low on their way out the door. Thats what they get for making massive mistakes with the main mans money. 

Ugh! If only we could think of another alliteration. Oh well. Better luck next time.

Trump Steaks



The Premier

Brazilian Oil Tycoon Elke Batista


Ticker Tape Machines

Gambled Away $100 Million


Indonesian Marketing Stunt

Snapchat’s Marketing Department

McDonald’s Japan

Finance Bros


Nicolas Cage


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