40 Random Bits of History That, Like Your Therapist, Unearth All Kinds of Forgotten Happenings

These all actually happened, whether history wants to admit it or not

History itself shouldnt be blamed for events getting played up, played down or even swept under the rug. Thats humanitys fault right there. Theres an old saying that history is written by the victors, and in that historical retelling, there are probably a lot of regrettable little tidbits that were conveniently left out of the story. 

Well be as unbiased as possible today, though. Good, bad or wildly strange, were making up for humanitys frivolity and telling it like it is! 

Mary Todd Lincoln

The Titanic


Ancient Gyms

Early Pillows

The Battle of Waterloo

Source: BBC

Civil War Fistfights

The Hundred Years’ War



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