35 Random Bits of Trivia About Quentin Tarantino That Aren’t About His Whole Foot Thing

Learn the link between Tarantino and ‘The Golden Girls’

Out of everyone on the planet right now, were 100 percent certain that Quentin Tarantino himself will be the biggest fan of this list. Not only is it all about him, but the random order of these facts is some serious non-linear storytelling. 

Just look at these first three facts. We start with Once Upon A Time… in Hollywood, dip back to Reservoir Dogs, then hit From Dusk Till Dawn. Hope you enjoy that and the rest of these facts, Quentin. We know youre reading.

Coming Up with the Name for Reservoir Dogs

From Dusk Till Dawn


The Pulp Fiction Wallet


Margaret Cho’s All-American Girl


Pulp Fiction’s Screenplay


Four Rooms

Source: IMDb

His Refusal to Watch Netflix


Ownership of His Movies

The Hateful 8

Django’s Look

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino


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