40 Random Bits of Nostalgic Trivia to Make You Yearn for Yesteryear
Sure, we had Polaroids and Pogs, but the best part was not having any bills to pay. Childhood for the win!
You know that nostalgia is only so warm and comforting because we didn’t have any real responsibility back then, right?
Like, sorry to burst everyone’s “back in my day” bubble, but of course they were the good ol’ days. We had ample amounts of free time to cram full of vinyl, cassettes, CDs or MP3 players (depending on your current age). One day, the kids of today are going to scoff at whatever music device is implanted in their brains and yearn for Spotify.
Pfft. Spotify. We were wrong. Things really were better when you could pop in some physical media and read the album’s liner notes.