35 Pop-Culture Happenings of Yesteryear That Weren’t Cool Then and Aren’t Cool Now

Problematic pieces of pop culture (man, we wish the word ‘culture’ started with a P)

People like to say that everyone got so sensitive all of a sudden, but wild concepts like acceptance, gender equality and consent have actually been around for a long time. So you can say that these pop-culture staples were cool back then all you want, but we assure you, they were garnering some serious head shakes and eye rolls decades ago. 

Get on board, Uncle Larry!


Elliot Page

Alison Brie

Viola Davis

Rudy Giuliani

Lance Armstrong

Disney Remakes

Source: Collider
Image Credit: Walt Disney Pictures

Fresh Prince Lyrics


Dr. Dolittle

The Triumph of Civic Virtue

Peter Pan

Old People Jokes


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