40 Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Will Come True If You Recite Them Into a Mirror in a Dark Room Three Times
Get ‘em, Carrie Fisher
Escape From New York’s futuristic tech wizardry was done with duct tape.
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The Social Network
The First Special Effect Screen Credit
Fox Film Corporation
Thor: The Dark World
Edge of Tomorrow
The Lord of the Rings
Escape From New York
The Rains Came
20th Century Studios
The Force Awakens
Carrie Fisher
Source: BBC
Joel Silver
Ill Will Records,
Columbia Records
Elinor Burkett
The Pixar Theory
Don Behrns
Russell Crowe
Michael Douglas, Producer
Sources: Mental Floss, Wikipedia
Image Credit: Everett Collection/Shutterstock
The Transporter
Source: TheThings
Kevin Feige
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Dr. Oz
The Warner Bros. Were Kind of Dumb
Barbie Doll Clothing
Source: Daily Mail
Hollywood’s #MeToo Problem
Voice Actor Payouts
Source: ScreenRant
Jordan Peele
The Ring
Source: 14 Behind The Scenes Facts About Your Favorite Horror Movies
Tough Gig
Source: The Guardian
The Oscar Love Curse
‘Thandie’ Newton
Shirley Easton
Eon Productions, United Artists
Diahann Carroll
Source: Connery Was Not The First Bond: 15 Unexpected Hollywood Firsts
Piper Laurie
Cara Delevingne
Maude Flanders
Source: LATimes