40 Dope Bits of Trivia From ‘90s TV and Movies That Are All That (But Not a Bag of Chips)

These facts aren’t rad? As if!

The day-to-day grindage got you down? Then you just need to chillax with these chill facts. Like, what happened to us? Not giving a crap about anything was totes our thing back then. Apathy all day, bro! But the aughts smacked all that right out of us. Pfft. 

Good thing we’re not talking about that lame decade. We’re here in the warm comfort of our ‘90s shows and movies, and the new millennium can bite us — for real.

Boy Meets World

Source: Parade


Source: GQ

The Matrix

Beverly Hills, 90210


Perversions of Science

Kids Inc.

The Truman Show

The Shawshank Redemption



Pulp Fiction

Independence Day


Home Alone

Billy Madison

Pulp Fiction


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