40 Random Bits of Historical Trivia to Storm the Shores of Your Cerebellum

Not to be dramatic, but the eyes of the world are upon you

All these simultaneous inventions are a strong argument for the existence of a collective consciousness.

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The eyes of the world are upon you.


It was a cool time to be alive

Source: CNet

Nothing to do - start a war

NY Times 

The eyes of the world are upon you.


The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.


The eyes of the world are upon you.


The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

Probably no weird racial undertones to see here

Source: Syfy

George Clooney

Source: Insider

And Will Sasso did that lemon thing on Vine. 'MadTV' alumni are really going places.

Source: L.A. Times

Jimmy Stewart

MGM, Universal Pictures


The eyes of the world are upon you.

Source: Gizmodo

The eyes of the world are upon you.

Source: L.A. Times

The eyes of the world are upon you.


The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

The eyes of the world are upon you.

My thanks to all of you

Wrigley’s Chewing Gum

"Just nod if you can hear me..."


The eyes of the world are upon you.


The eyes of the world are upon you.


World War II


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