40 Rando Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia We Poured Down the Sink and It’s the Landlord’s Problem Now
You gotta fight. For your right. To wear underpants if you work at a Disney park
What do Mia Wallace and Cinderella have in common?
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She did warn you, Peter!
To be fair, a giant parakeet would be hilarious.
An equally funny and precious moment from Hulk.
Ridley Scott curses Marvel movies.
Captain America: The First Avenger
Wesley Snipes
Source: Giant Freakin Robot
It's pretty gunked up down there.
Source: 12 "Now You Know" Facts That Have No Business Being True
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
More: 5 Underappreciated Creators Of All Your Favorite Shows And Films
Hitchcock and Disney
source: Los Angeles Times
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
‘Pulp Fiction’ is a Disney movie.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
It's pretty gunked up down there.
Go ahead and try, we'll wait.
Source: Cheezburger
The 40th Anniversary After-Party
Max Greenfield
Source: Saturday Night Live Wiki
Saturday Night Live: The Movie
Source: 11 Proposed Saturday Night Live Movies That We Never Got To See
And has hosted only once: Nov 16, 1996
It's pretty gunked up down there.
Source: Salon
It's pretty gunked up down there.
Source: Washington Post