40 Cromulent Facts About ‘The Simpsons’

You may not win friends with salad, but you’ll make a ton with facts!

We had a blast reading these facts, so were guessing that youre pretty yellow with envy right about now. Were not exactly sure if thats the color normally associated with envy, but its a Simpsons list, so it is today.

Anyway, weve got 40 four-fingered facts comin your way. Unless theres a fact about one of Gods few appearances, thatll be the only five-fingered fact since hes the only character to appear with five fingers on the show. Looks like Springfieldians werent made in his image. 

Early Smithers

Paul and Linda McCartney


Source: CNN

The Simpsons Movie (Yet Again)

Source: Screen Rant

Alan Moore and Thomas Pynchon

The Simpsons

Source: OPB

Adam West


The Critic

The Cheap Imitators

The Original Opening Sequence

The Simpsons

Groundskeeper Willie

Homer As Krusty


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