43 Bits of ‘Simpsons’ Trivia to Haphazardously Throw Into A Glass and Set Ablaze
This 'Simpsons' episode opens on Homer sitting down to a massive plate of facts. He pops open the syrup, motions to dump it on his plate, but only a single drop oozes out. As Marge walks in, he whines that they're out of syrup, and Marge responds, “Oh Homie, these facts are sweet enough as is.” She walks away, and after he mumbles, “Stupid dry facts,” he takes a bite and realizes just how right she was! A ton of these have to do with him, and he likes that. The ones about stupid sexy Flanders though… Not so much. Roll credits. Sorry… Roll facts!
Alan Moore and Thomas Pynchon
DVD commentary, The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season
The Critic
The Simpsons
Maggie’s Voice
So Maude Flanders wasn’t killed off for story purposes?!
John Swartzwelder
Source: 12 Creators Who Had Brilliant Cameos in Their Own Work
Source: KGW.com
Ned Flanders
Small Town Dicks: Solving Crimes with a Side of Humor.
Source: CNN
Lisa’s Influence
Source: Two Marshmallows
The Pilot
Source: 13 Sitcoms Whose Pilots Were Different From Later Episodes
Marge Simpson's Hair
Marge’s Hair
The Simpsons
Homer Groening
Source: Smithsonian
The Origins of ‘D’oh’!
20th Television,
Wiki Commons