22 of the Worst Decisions in Human History

‘Rejecting a certain someone from art school’

We’ve all made bad decisions in our lives. Certainly, a fair number of romantic relationships earn the distinction; a fourth beer is rarely a good idea; and if a man in a suit ever approaches you to offer a “free personality test,” run. Learn from our mistakes.

It’s very unlikely, however, that any of our bad decisions have ever gotten anyone killed. Outside of, like, some freaky butterfly effect situation, and depending on how high you rise through the Scientology ranks, you’re the only one hurt by them.

Some people, however, woke up one day and managed to change history with just one wrong choice. Redditors listed a bunch of them when user glitterbombdotcom asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the single worst decision that’s ever been made in the course of human history?”


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