20 of the Worst Inventions of All Time

‘The inventor of read receipts was looking for drama’

If necessity is the mother of invention, then its grandmother is someone who got sick of doing shit the hard way. The modern world is pretty much only modern because some people decided to find out if they could shoot lightning through the walls or build a thinking machine or put a hot dog on a stick, and we salute them.

Then again, there are plenty of innovations terrorizing our lives whose inventors would have done well to reach for a much lower star. If you’ve ever had to deal with plastic clamshell packaging, you know what we’re talking about. Oooh, or bike lanes that are between traffic and street parking? Who decided that was a good idea?

We’re rambling. But user scarredforlife164 did ask r/AskReddit, “What should NOT have been invented?” and their fellow Redditors did find all kinds of stuff that they wished hadn’t been so innovative after all.


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