11 Things You Didn’t Realize Were Taboo Elsewhere in the World

When in doubt, just eat bread

Any Kind of Fish Is Taboo in Parts of East Africa


Known as the “cushitic fish taboo,” some Cushite groups such as the Somali have a long-standing taboo against fish of any kind.

The Navajo Also Avoid Fish


Though its a pretty orthodox stance to take these days, the Navajo people also traditionally considered fish taboo, and it still is completely taboo to eat during certain ceremonies.

Jainists’ Vegetarianism Extends to Root Vegetables


Jainism is a religion centered around doing as little harm as possible to other living organisms. That extends to eating root vegetables, since harvesting them kills the plant.

Don’t Move Things With Your Feet in Singapore


The feet are considered unclean — which is hard to argue with — so moving things with them is unclean.


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