20 of the Weirdest Subreddits, According to Their Lurkers

Reddit is a real double-edged sword, if swords were made of useful home improvement information and weird porn. It’s home to the most knowledgeable experts who can’t be bothered to officially publish their findings, to the point that you have to add “site:reddit.com” to any Google search to get anything coherent these days, as well as the most vile, outrageous and unsettling filth humanity has to offer. It’s enough to bring a freedom-loving tear to the patriotic eye.
That means, by its all-inclusive nature, there’s a subreddit for just about anything you can imagine. If there isn’t, you can make one, and they’ll only remove it if it goes dead or actively breaks laws or something. Enough people have taken that opportunity as a challenge that when users HideHeartSurgeonN1 and oh-my-grodd5 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the weirdest subreddit?,” the answers were truly beyond our wildest, surrealist dreams.