17 Funny Tweets About People Being Trapped at Burning Man

In a scene seemingly ripped from the pages of a Mad Max spec script, 70,000 festival goers were stranded at Burning Man over the weekend. Torrential downpour swept through Black Rock City, Nevada, and hit the remote desert site with nearly two months of rain in just 24 hours. The heavy downpour resulted in severe muddy conditions likened to walking through quicksand and forced event organizers to impose shelter-in-place orders as it was nearly impossible for vehicles to drive through the thick mud. The massive flooding gave way to reports of waterlogged tents, backed-up Port-a-Potties and rumblings of an Ebola outbreak. While there were actually no confirmed cases, it’s pretty telling that so many people readily believed that Ebola could come out of the “radical self-reliance” festival.
Some famous faces even got caught up in the fray as comedian Chris Rock and DJ Diplo managed to escape the harrowing conditions on the back of a fan’s RV. This came after the unlikely duo spent hours trekking through the mud in an effort to flee the scene.
By Monday, the driving ban was lifted, prompting a mass exodus from the event, but not before the titular effigy went up in flames. Although the weekend will certainly be a memorable one for everyone in attendance, Twitter users got to enjoy the madness from the comfort of their own homes, firing off some hilarious tweets about the stranded Burners in the process.