12 Bizarre, Disgusting, End-Game Stats About the Human Body

Welcome, dear reader, to this list of 12 surprising stats about what your body does in a lifetime. It is a list that will surprise, amaze, and astound you. You will learn about the incredible things your body does every day, and you will be in awe of the sheer amount of work that your body does over the course of a lifetime.
From the incredible amount of water your kidneys filter out, to the 700 million breaths you will take, to the six and a half thousand gallons of mucus your body will make, you will be amazed at the sheer amount of work your body does every day. You will also learn about the new drug that reduces liver fibrosis, the 27 bones in your hands, and the three years the average person spends waiting at red lights.
So, without further ado, let us dive into this list of 12 surprising stats about what your body does in a lifetime. Enjoy.
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Shedding Skin

Nose Hair

Ticking away, relentlessly.

Three times around the world? No sweat.


Work, work, work.

Waiting ... forever.

Earning their mane.


Saliva: Not just for drooling?