Gain The Powers Of Productivity With These 5 Products

This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
Unless you were bitten by a radioactive day planner, chances are you could use a boost in productivity. After all, everyone could stand to be a little more productive at work, and most of us could use more sleep and less stress in our day-to-day. These five interactive tools will help you start living a better, more accomplished life without breaking the bank or resorting to surgically attaching a filing cabinet to your pelvis.
Breethe Meditation And Sleep -- Lifetime Subscription
If you're currently living in the 21st century, then you exist under a perpetual nimbus of stress that hovers around your head all day. Even when you try to get some sleep at night, the anxiety over something dumb you said back in third grade comes out to keep you haunted awake until dawn.
Well, no longer! The Breethe meditation and sleep app for your smartphone will help you reduce stress and get more sleep with just five minutes of use per day. Breethe includes hundreds of guided meditations, plus peaceful bedtime meditations and stories to get you to sleep. And then, when you need to wake up, Breethe offers soothing alarm sounds that sound nothing like a regular alarm clock's indignant screech.
Normally, a lifetime subscription to Breethe would cost you $399.99, but today you can get one at 75 percent off for just $99.99.
BeeLine Reader -- Lifetime Subscription
Have you been meaning to read A Song Of Ice And Fire or Lord Of The Rings or The Dictionary, but get discouraged every time you see all the pages you'd have to get through? BeeLine will help you overcome that phobia by increasing your reading speed and comprehension up to 20 percent. You'll be able to burn through work emails, training manuals, young adult dystopian novels, and hand-delivered search warrants with ease, leaving you with more time to gloat to your friends about all the reading you've been doing. Normally, a lifetime subscription to BeeLine Reader sells for $220, but Cracked readers can scoop one up at 86 percent off for just $29.99.
Task Pigeon Business Plan -- One-Year Subscription
If you and your work team are constantly falling behind on important tasks and turning in reports late, then you need a major overhaul. Don't wait until your department has been downsized and you no longer even work in the building. Get Task Pigeon.
Task Pigeon is a task management program designed to keep everyone on your team on the same page, allowing you an easy and flexible system to track projects, assign due dates, and keep track of who is doing what at any given time. It's like a taskmaster for taskmasters! Normally a one-year subscription to Task Pigeon costs $108, but Cracked readers can swoop down on a 76 percent discount and get one for just $25.
Pay What You Want: Better Sleep And Meditation Course Bundle
Meditation is more than just a thing that karate masters use to torture young schoolchildren. It's a tool you can use to immediately decrease your stress levels and live a more productive and positive life. With the Meditation Course Bundle, you gain access to eight courses and over 15 hours of instruction that will help you live a more stress-free life. You can also pay as little as one cent and receive Top Sleep Tips, which contains two hours of instruction and tips on how to achieve the best sleep, including "Don't steal a cursed object before bedtime." Normally all eight courses sell for $1,592, but with the Pay What You Want Bundle, you can slash that price by up to 99 percent.
The Mindful Living Bundle Feat. Wisdom Labs
If you're one smelly lunch ordered by the guy in the cubicle next to you away from crawling under your desk and talking to the spiders, then that means it's time to reduce your stress. The Mindful Living Bundle contains lessons in stress reduction from various gurus of the mind, including a Harvard-trained physician, a former Google executive education director, and a former Stanford School of Medicine researcher.
You'll get helpful advice and scientifically supported techniques to reduce the stress in your life, such as how to redirect negativity, how to eat better and get more exercise, how to be more outgoing, and how to manage workplace stress with techniques like meditation and breathing exercises. Basically, it is all the stuff that will keep you from hitting your co-worker with the stack of yard sale flyers he keeps leaving in the copier. Typically, this bundle sells for $87, but Cracked readers can take 71 percent off and get it for just $25.
It's not too late to become a multitasking master. Show 2018 Who's Boss With The Ultimate Productivity Bundle.