4 Gritty Reboots of 80s Cartoons for Girls
I'm shocked that Hollywood refuses to acknowledge that women have histories as well, utterly ignoring any franchise aimed at girls. Like jealous, insecure boyfriends, the studios don't want to think about a woman's past; instead they are content to force-feed her romantic comedies and period pieces about oppressed women weep-running over moors. I t

Hollywood has been kind to me. Each summer I agree to pay a handful of money and, in exchange, it offers me a 90 minute hunk of childhood nostalgia. X-Men, Batman, G.I. Joe, Transformers and nearly every other fiction-based interest I held as a child have since been rebooted as films, altered only slightly to accommodate my matured and nuanced love of breasts, and things catching on fire.
Rainbow Brite -- Brighteous Kill
Strawberry Shortcake -- Feast or Famine
For more ill-advised reboots, check out 5 Superheroes Rendered Ridiculous by Gritty Reboots. And get more from Soren in 7 Celebrity Movie Deaths We Enjoyed Way Too Much.