10 Brilliant Comedy Moments Hidden on YouTube

It's hidden YouTube gems time, baby! We dig up the most criminally underappreciated videos and give them the respect that they deserve. At the risk of taking liberties with your sanity, here are the other parts, which you can use to fill the ever deepening cavern in your soul:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Star Trek Insanity
I'm actually angry for not having thought of doing this myself. It's a Star Trek movie trailer edited by OneMinuteGalactica using the blooper reel in place of actual movie footage. I don't hate Star Trek by any means, but I can't call myself a superfan, either. But if the movies were anything like what's presented in this trailer, I would watch nothing else ever again. I would publicly denounce all other forms of entertainment and offer it my services to use as it sees fit.
Of course, that's under the assumption that it would be in league with the equally awesome Star Trek: The Next Generation "art" episode, in which Captain Picard draws a picture of a horse playing a saxophone instead of the nude model who's posing for him, causing Data to euthanize all life in the universe:
I can't stop laughing at the idea of "If life created this drawing, then life was a mistake." The universe must be purged, lest this abomination of nature repeat itself.
Guy Casually Crashes Through the Ceiling
If this is set up, I don't ever want to know. I say that because the casualness with which the guy falls through the ceiling is in itself a work of art. But when he hits the ground, there's a slight pause, and then, as if it happens all the time, the two men in the shop greet each other.
"Hey, Ron."
"Hey, Billy."
"... That hurt."
I like to imagine that Billy never figured out how stairs work, so every day around lunchtime, he just blasts through the floor -- there are dozens of holes up there, and his boss has given up and accepted it as the norm.
"Firestarter" Without the Music
Have you ever been alone in the house and decided that you just had to dance right goddamn now? If the music isn't turned up to ear-shattering levels (or if there's no music playing at all because you're a freak), you can hear every little shuffle of the feet. The low-pitched thump of the floor as you bounce. Every little "vwip" sound from when your corduroy-clad legs rub together.
That's what this video is. Mario Wienerroither has taken out the music and put in the sound effects that would be heard if these guys were just hanging out and doing ... whatever the hell it is they're doing in that video. We'll call it Prodigying. They're Prodigying it right on up. Gettin' their Prodigy on. And it's absolutely brilliant.
Bubsy 3D 2 and a Corrupted Mario
If this guy isn't the most famous man in the world by next Thursday, I'm picking out an endangered species at random and punching it into extinction. He's doing a mock "developer walkthru" of a game he claims to have made (Bubsy 3D 2), noting that it will only run on the PlayStation 4 due to its intensive graphics.
The narration is just plain brilliant as he describes in detail what's going on, constantly reminding us that everything in the game is "to scale." Also, "... we have a really big guy."
I've watched it a few times, and I keep noticing new things. Like inside the "scale replica" of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, all of the crates in the giant crate room are labeled "ART." And when Bubsy approaches the museum, he announces it, including the full address and zip code, as if that's the way people normally talk about location.
Of course, I couldn't mention video game insanity without showing you the corrupted version of Mario 64. That's really all the description you need ... maybe a warning that the demonic images in the video could possibly drive you to the brink of insanity:
I think most of us have seen or at least heard of the videos where people take scenes from The Big Bang Theory and remove the laugh track, turning it into one of the darkest, creepiest shows ever created. If not, click that link and you'll see what I mean.
But skylazor took it a step further by replacing it with one of the most annoying laughs in awful-video-game-voice-acting history: Tidus from Final Fantasy X. But it's not just the annoyance of the laugh that makes the scene great. When coupled with the odd silence that passes between the two characters between lines, it makes it sound like 1) there was only one person in the audience, and 2) that person is the most sarcastic asshole heckler of all time. At one point, I was actually surprised that one of the actors didn't turn to him and scream, "HEY, FUCK YOU, DUDE!"
"Champagne Taste" by Univore
This is one of those rare videos that's so bad, you initially think it's been set up that way on purpose. Like maybe they're fishing for a Rebecca Black type of viral explosion or something. But looking at their "about" page, you realize that Univore is totally sincere as a musical group and has in fact released three albums.
The video itself is a triathlon of bad lip-syncing, horrible music, and some of the worst effects you're likely to ever see ... but I can't stop watching it. It's five minutes and 15 seconds of pure, unapologetic sadism, punishing you for ever having the tenacity to enjoy music as a whole. And yet, three days after seeing the video, I still find myself cleaning my house while singing, "Oh no! I shouldn't be driving this car!"
History's Most Spiteful Fart
OK ... let me be clear right off that normally I'm not a big fan of fart humor. But goddamnit, there's something special about this video. I think it's the fact that it's not set up as comedy. This poor bastard has just come out of a colonoscopy, and he's drugged out of his mind. His wife (I'm assuming it's his wife) reminds him of the doctor's instructions that he needs to "pass gas." She asks a few questions, and the exchange is fairly normal -- and then out of the blue, he rolls over, stares directly into the camera, and busts ass.
For a really long time.
It's the way that he does it that just kills me. The look on his face. It's almost angry -- spiteful. It's as if a lifetime of mistreatment and oppression had finally caught up with him, and this was his one chance to make things right. It was his stand against Goliath. It was his Rocky moment. At that moment, every underdog in the world stood and cheered, not quite knowing why they were doing it. But I feel that deep in their hearts, they knew. We all knew.
Flopping Bird
If this doesn't instantly make your day better, no doctor in the world can cure the part of you that's broken.
It's a bird that's discovered itself in the reflective protector on the bottom of a door. And just like I do when I see myself in the mirror, it starts violently flopping, watching as the other bird mocks it from beyond our mortal plane. I don't know if it's doing a mating dance or trying to fight it ... hell, maybe it actually realizes that's a reflection and it's just playing. Regardless of the reason, watching that bird flop on its back is one of my newfound joys in life.
And while we're on the subject, not much beats the angry tap-dancing bird in a bag:
My favorite part of that is watching him tap dance his way out of the bag as if to trick the camera into thinking he was going to stop biting the lens. And just when the camera thought it was safe, it charges back in to bite some more. "You thought I was done, bitch?! EAT BEAK!"
Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows
The video's description is "I find this song very calming." I don't want to ruin this one for you, so hit the play button and enjoy.
Rapping Eggs
If you read through enough of these articles, you'll find that I have a deep respect for people who make their videos just long enough to stick the joke, and then they're right back out again. There's no need to linger on something when it's only worth nine seconds. But compress it down to that nine seconds ... It's some eggs. They're rapping. Really fast. It's fucking genius.
John is an editor and columnist right here at Cracked, with a new article every Thursday. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook.
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