The ‘Always Sunny’ Gang Reimagined As A.I. Babies Is Exactly As Donkey-Brained As It Sounds
It’s hard to imagine a universe where It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia could possibly be improved by artificial intelligence. I mean, those stupid science bitches couldn’t even make Charlie more smarter.
Given how It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia loves to tackle topical issues with its crass, iconoclastic and satirical sense of humor, it’s downright shocking how the show still hasn’t done an episode about how artificial intelligence has captured the minds and Facebook feeds of America’s most brain-damaged citizens. Although Always Sunny’s formerly prolific output has significantly slowed in the last few years, the show has still had ample opportunity to address the latest tech revolution since the release of ChatGPT in 2022 jump-started the artificially generated slop machine that has since taken over social media (and the post-production of some Oscar-worthy films).
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Fans who hope and expect that the Paddy’s Pub Gang will deliver the dumbest and funniest take on the A.I. craze may have to wait a while, as the purported list of episode titles in the upcoming Always Sunny Season 17 doesn’t indicate that we’ll get a A.I.-satirizing A-plot anytime soon. However, Always Sunny star Glenn Howerton’s recent Instagram story has us wondering whether an A.I.-generated, pre-school prequel series is in the works — and whether or not Dennis’ Instagram account is actually run by ol’ Wendell Short Eyes.
Howerton reposted the above Instagram Reel from visual “creator” junkboxai, a popular account that has lately specialized in youthenizing the casts of various popular TV shows and movies. Junkboxai’s baby-morphing subjects include Friends, Breaking Bad, Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Full House, as junkboxai inexplicably turned the already-infantile Olsen twins into soulless slop husks with the rest of the Tanner family.
Although Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are all drowning in similar uncanny A.I. “art,” it’s surprising to see Howerton endorse an A.I.-generated fan edit of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, especially one that’s this creepy and kid-focused. While Dennis himself has historically had no use for the young ones — at least until they turned 18 — this disturbing Always Sunny baby montage betrays Howerton’s considerably stranger sense of humor than his in-show counterpart.
Now, to be clear, just because Howerton posted the creepiest fan-“art” I’ve ever seen come out of the Always Sunny online community, I’m not accusing Howerton of being a creep himself. I’m just saying that, if this is the kind of crap that makes Howerton laugh, the next time he gets in a car crash, he should have to pay to clean the cereal out of his own interior.