Here’s the Actor Who Has Died in the Most Movies
A death scene is a double-edged sword for an actor. On one hand, you’re the absolute focus of attention for the duration, and you can really stretch your emotional acting chops. On the other hand, once that scene happens, you’re most likely not in the rest of the movie — unless it’s a bad CW show or part of the Marvel universe, I guess.
To be someone known for dying well on camera is a dangerous talent, because it might mean that you end up in half of a lot of movies. I don’t know if that affects your paycheck, but it’s at least got to be frustrating.
So, what actor currently holds the honor of having passed away in the most movies?
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It’s not some bit actor or extra as you might think, but famous tough guy Danny Trejo. Usually brought on to be the most badass man on screen, that also usually results in an untimely exit. After all, if you see Trejo, you know he’s not going to be the one hiding behind boxes when a gunfight breaks out.
His exact silver-screen death count comes out to a staggering 65. He’s died in more movies than most actors have actually been cast in. The previous record holder? Christopher Lee, who certainly knows how to make a death convincing, thanks to his firsthand experience dishing it out.