29 of the Best Slow-Motion Scenes in Non-Action Movies

The printer scene in ‘Office Space’ is a classic

Slow-motion sequences in action films are so cliche that there are entire musical parodies about them, but there’s a reason they exist. If they filmed everything in real time, the audience would have no idea what the hell is going on. Their use in other genres, however, is more complex — they can be used to highlight the comedy or drama of a situation, or it can just ensure that you’ve fully grasped how awesome everything is.

“We all know The Matrix and The Fast and the Furiouses have tons of slow motion, as do most action movies in general, although I feel the more slow motion used, the worse the action is overall,” Redditor 0nemanbukkake told r/Movies. They then asked, “What are some non-action movies that have a great slow motion sequence?” noting that, “Zack Snyder is definitely out of the running on this one.”

Donnie Darko

Forrest Gump


The Return of the Pink Panther

Observe and Report

Old School

Along Came Polly

Strictly Business


Chariots of Fire


The Sandlot



The Fall

The Other Guys

The Usual Suspects

Killing Them Softly

The Royal Tenenbaums

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Campaign

In the Mood for Love

2001: A Space Odyssey



Office Space

Rat Race

A Christmas Story

The Craft

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