21 Fictional Couples That Are Major Relationship Goals
There are surprisingly few happy couples on the big and little screens. After all, fiction relies on conflict, and there isn’t a lot of conflict in perfectly nice marriages. There are torrid courtships, but who do you know that’s actually like that? Where’s the representation of the happiest couple you actually know: two imperfect humans that are nevertheless all into each other?
For Redditor SitaBird, that’s Morticia and Gomez Addams of The Addams Family. “I understand it’s a little comedic, you know, total devotion but also macabre and morbid, but still, I love it,” they told r/Movies. “They are head over heels for each other, but aren’t just a ‘sappy couple in love.’ They are happy, confident, thoughtful, loving, caring and are okay with being who they are, together.”
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They then asked, “Are there any other movie couples you can think of who give off similar energy?” and their fellow Redditors told all kinds of perfect love stories.