20 Fictional Heroes Who Should Be in Prison

Jack Bauer

One of the reasons we love Hollywood is that its politics are vastly simpler than those of the real world. One expression of this reality is the two types of guys who generally exist in action movies: guys who commit crimes and good guys. We go along with this even though the “good guy” almost never has any authority to administer legal justice, and we never explore the criminals’ reasons for doing crime. All we know is crime = bad.

But when you think about it, the good guys are often breaking a fair number of laws as well. There’s a lot of murder that goes into taking down a crime syndicate, and even just giving a villain a well-deserved punch in the face is going to get you at least a misdemeanor. “Doing the right thing” often looks like breaking and entering, theft and all manner of other felonies. 

That’s why user ParameciaAntic asked r/AskReddit, “Which movie ‘hero’ would actually spend a lot of time in jail for their actions if they did them IRL?”



Pulp Fiction

The Fugitive

The Evil Dead

Star Wars

Free Willy


School of Rock


X-Men: Apocalypse

Fight Club

Beverly Hills Cop

Lethal Weapon

Harry Potter

Indiana Jones



National Treasure

John Wick

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