5 Ways Past Presidents Were Big Weirdos

They probably didn’t trumpet these quirks on the campaign trail
5 Ways Past Presidents Were Big Weirdos

At one point, the idea was that the American president was supposed to be the very best of us. Thats gone to shambles and then micro-shambles again over the past couple decades, but we still like to think that theyre someone we can see a bit of ourselves in. The fact is, though, that humans are a weird species. And every president, at least so far, has been human, so its unavoidable that weve had a few with quirks that were a little out there.

Here are five examples of big weirdo behavior from past presidents…

Herbert Hoover Didn t Want to See or Be Seen By White House Staff

While in office, both Hoover and his wife made it known that at no point did they want to see the White House staff. They also didnt want the staff to ever see them. The exact reason is probably rooted in some good old racism, but maybe they just wanted to pretend it was a magic house that cleaned itself, or that it was staffed by a crew of mysterious, invisible elves. Whatever their motivations, what this created was an incredibly weird dynamic where staff would jump into closets and behind bushes when they heard one of the Hoovers coming.

Andrew Johnson Was Friends With A Family of Mice

Being impeached is probably a pretty friendless, lonely feeling. That at least seemed to be the case for Johnson, who took over the presidency after Abraham Lincolns assassination and was later impeached. Suddenly, though, a group of possible pals that had absolutely zero political interests presented themselves in the form of a family of white mice. Johnson reportedly fed them grain from a mill he owned, left out dishes of water for them, watched them do their little micey business and called them “the little fellows.”

Jimmy Carter Claimed He Saw A UFO

This isnt some late-night bar tale or poker-table shit-shooting, either. While he was the Governor of Georgia, Carter filed a full-on official report about a time he saw a UFO in 1969. I cannot emphasize enough how much I am not exaggerating how serious Carter was about having seen an unidentified flying object. If you want further proof that Im not cherry-picking offhand remarks, take it from Carter himself, who said: If I become president, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public, and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I’ve seen one.”

Ronald Reagan Had An Astrologer on Retainer

You wouldnt think Reagan and Brooklyn women had much in common, but on one point they do meet: a respect for astrology. It was his wife, Nancy, who sought out the otherwordly advice of an astrologist named Joan Quigley, but Reagan played along. Quigley was consulted and gave instruction, dutifully followed by the Reagans, on what days were safer for travel, what days were better to hold public events and even had a hand in the scheduling of the State of the Union addresses. For her stargazing, she received a $3,000 monthly retainer.

James Polk Banned Liquor and Dancing in the White House

To be fair, this isnt Polk himself as much as his wife and their shared religion of strict Presbyterianism. Obviously the president, and any American, is welcome to practice any religion they so choose. Thats part of our countrys whole thing, after all. It was just an unfortunate development for anyone hoping to cut loose on White House grounds, since both hard liquor and dancing were summarily banned during the Polks' occupancy.

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