Is Frank Reynolds from ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ the Reincarnation of Benjamin Franklin?

‘One invented bifocals. One started Wolf Cola’

Of all the famous figures who have come to shape the United States, one Philadelphian stands above the rest, a man revered for his wit, inventive prowess, appetite for sex workers, and most notably, a burning disdain for the government. 

No, I’m not talking about legendary American hero Benjamin Franklin, I’m talking about Paddy’s Pub patriarch, Frank Reynolds, who to some It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fans may actually be one and the same. 

On Monday, Redditor BarneyRobinStinson7 stumbled out of MacLaren’s Pub and onto the Sunny subreddit, sharing an infographic questioning whether there was “even a difference’” between the founding father of the United States and the founding father of the Reynolds twins. 

“Famous Philadelphian, Successful Entrepreneur, Hates the Government, Loves Banging Dirty Hoors,” read the post, complimented by juxtaposed images of Frank and Franklin. 

Naturally, BarneyRobinStinson7 was far from alone in noticing these strange, compounding similarities. Several other fans hopped into the comments section, pointing out even more comparisons between the glasses-clad East Coasters. 

I’m sure Franklin would appreciate wine in a can,” speculated user Toppdeck as user Which-Bread3418  listed the pair’s respective world-changing inventions. “One invented bifocals, one started Wolf Cola,” they noted. 

Considering their apparently akin contributions, user menasor36 argued that Frank deserved a similar tribute to his 1700s counterpart: A place on our currency. 

“The next $100 bill should have Frank Reynolds on it,” they suggested. “Enough with that other guy already. Who did he ever bang?”

Regardless of whether or not Frank will be immortalized via C-note — an appropriate fate, considering a “wad” of these bills play an integral part of his “ready to plow” routine — one thing is certain: I am so seated for this Twins reboot. 


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