Howard Stern Says Being Called ‘Woke’ Is Actually a Compliment
Shock jock Howard Stern says that he’s proud to stand accused of going “woke” by incensed former listeners, which means that there is an alarmingly significant number of comedy fans who think that the leftist liberal agenda runs through Baba Booey.
Twenty years ago, claiming that Stern, whose “dark humor” credits include the famous suggestion that the Columbine shooters should have sexually assaulted their female victims before murdering them, is a champion of hyper-sensitivity in comedy would be such a crazy and laughable position that he’d probably have you on as a guest for saying it. After all, this was a guy who was famous for inviting homeless drug addicts and the obviously mentally ill onto his show just to gawk at them, so it’s not like Stern earned his place in the SiriusXM Hall of Fame for crafting ingenious comedy bits about why BIPOC representation in Pixar movies matters.
Sadly, the radio/podcasting comedy zeitgeist has shifted so far to the right that Stern, now 70 years old and every bit the arrogant degenerate who once encouraged his listeners to help him bully former child star Dana Plato the day before her suicide, is somehow left of center compared to his contemporaries.
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On an episode of The Howard Stern show, the broadcasting icon claimed that he's happy to hear that some upset fans think he's woke now, because it means “to be awake.” I guess the dictionary is the new Little Red Book to the radio/podcasting crowd.
“I kind of take that as a compliment, that I’m ‘woke,’” Stern argued after addressing the accusations constantly thrown at him by contemporary comedians and comedy fans whose own political views are best represented by propaganda posters from the 1930s. “To me, the opposite of woke is being asleep. And if woke means I can’t get behind (former President Trump), which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender, or I’m for the (COVID) vaccine, dude, call me woke as you fucking want. I’m not for stupidity.”
“Fuckin’ science. This fucking country is so great,” Stern said of the life-saving vaccine and its rollout that somehow became a hot-button issue on other influential comedy talk shows such as The Joe Rogan Experience, the host of which has since disavowed Stern as a leftist stooge. “I am woke, motherfucker. And I love it.”
Stern continued to lay into his conservative critics, declaring, “I want to read legitimate news sources. Here’s how woke I am: I believe the election was not rigged.” He added, “I’m woke. I think that’s a compliment.”
Considering the names and adjectives Stern’s former employees use to describe him, it might just be the highest compliment he’s received in years.