20 Unknown Actors Who Held Their Own Against A-Listers
“Sometimes, a main character does a scene that is above and beyond, but it only works because the person they are interacting with is selling it with their reactions,” Redditor DoesntUnderstands once explained to r/Movies. “If the person they are interacting with was a bad actor and doesn’t reciprocate the same level of effort, then it makes the main actor look hammy or over dramatic.”
Likewise, the opposite can be true: If they’re over-the-top, it seems like they’re making fun of them. And that’s what we’re for, dammit.
However, sometimes a bit player can strike just the right chord so well that they rise to the level of actors theoretically way beyond them. “For example, the dairy farmer from Inglourious Basterds,” u/DoesntUnderstands continued. They then asked, “What relatively unknown actor played a scene across from an A-list actor and really sold the performance?”
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Their fellow Redditors certainly had no shortage of answers.