Deadpool Jokes from the Comics That Are Too NSFW Even for the Movies

Like that time he rubbed up on Spider-Man

When Disney first announced that it was going to continue Fox’s Deadpool series, many worried that the House of Mouse would soften the franchise and make future installments PG-13. Fortunately, Deadpool & Wolverine, which comes out on Friday, is rated R and promises to be as delightfully obscene as the first two Deadpool movies.

That said, the comic book is still filthy and Disney is still Disney, so it’s hard to believe that we’ll ever see the following jokes from the comics pop up in a Deadpool movie of any kind… (Shout out to Brett Bales and Lorrie Rack of the Deadpool Facebook group and Marcus Samora of Nerd Corps for helping assemble this list.)

The Time Deadpool Walked in on Clones of Aunt May and Uncle Ben Having Sex

He also killed them.

The Time Deadpool Fed His Regenerating Flesh to Angel from The X-Men

Deadpool is actually being pretty heroic here by slicing off his own flesh as food for an injured X-Man, and it’s basically a limitless supply because Deadpool heals so quickly. Still, the idea of Disney greenlighting mutant cannibalism seems like a stretch.

The Time Deadpool Killed a Bunch of Zombie Presidents

If Deadpool shooting presidents in the head wasn’t in bad taste two weeks ago, it certainly is now.

All the Times Deadpool Killed the Marvel Universe

There have been two miniseries where Deadpool is tasked with killing every other hero in the Marvel universe, which he does in a variety of brutal ways, including skinning Beast from X-Men and wearing his blue hide.

The Time Deadpool Killed a Guy Just for Saying the ‘Star Wars’ Prequels Were Better than the Originals

Nothing is more offensive to Disney than mocking its other corporate properties.

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